Ethereum is the World Computer, a single, globally shared computing platform that exists in the space between a network of 1,000s of computers (nodes).
These nodes are real computers in the real world, communicating directly from peer to peer.
All nodes must stay perfectly in sync, processing the same transactions and doing the same actions that every other node is doing.
The way Ethereum coordinates and stays in sync is through a process called Proof of Stake (PoS).
An incredibly important aspect of PoS is randomness; without it, the system becomes manipulatable.
Example: if I am proposing and I know my friend is the next proposer, maybe I only process CRV sales to drop the prices (because I know he will process my huge CRV buy).
Here's the dilemma: how can you introduce credible randomness into a system that needs to stay perfectly in sync.
If every node picks a random number, the network will fall out of sync. If a single node picks and distributes the number, we've effectively lost decentralization.
Today, Ethereum uses a solution called RANDAO.
Tl;dr each participant takes a turn added their own contribution of random data, one at a time. As long as at least 1 person is honest (destroys their contribution), the RANDAO creates randomness.
However, RANDAO is not perfect... in fact it has a large vulnerability.
The issue arises because it is perfectly valid to skip a participant during RANDAO (maybe the validator was offline durning its turn to propose).
No new contribution = old RANDAO value.
And so, the final participant in the RANDAO process has a significant advantage over the others.
S/he can generate their contribution, calculate the new RANDAO, and THEN decide which value to submit.
The final participant has a binary choice; RANDAO has a 1-Bit Bias.
Even a 1-bit bias is unacceptable for Ethereum, the World Computer. And so, the Ethereum Foundation are working on a solution: Verifiable Delay Functions (VDFs)!
At a high level, a VDF is a function that processes an input into an output (like all functions), but takes a long amount of time to do it.
The difficultly input determines the amount of time the VDF takes; the proof output can be used to verify the output quickly.
We wont look too deeply under the hood, but the idea is relatively simple. A VDF simply applies the same mathematical equation (think y = x^2 mod n) over and over again. There's no way to calculate the final answer except for doing each application, one at a time.
For a VDF to work, it requires an underlying formula that can't be solved except by brute force.
By increasing the number of times we loop through, we increase the time the VDF takes.
But verification is always (effectively) instant via the proof.
In order to understand a VDF, you have to take a step back and think about your users...
...or more specifically your attackers.
To be very precise, you need to think about the worst possible, most experienced, best financed attacker possible.
Challenge: start with x = 5, calculate y = x^2 mod 23, repeat 500 times.
You get to use pen and paper. I get to use my Macbook.
Answer: 18. Took me 92 seconds.
Enter AMAX, a metric used to describe the difference between the amount of time a generic good-faith participant to solve a VDF vs the amount of time a perfect attacker could solve it.
An attacker can solve a VDF AMAX times faster than a good faith actor.
We'll return to AMAX momentarily, but let's get back to @ethereum - specifically how a VDF is going to improve randomness.
Remember, the issue with our current solution is the 1-bit bias granted to the final RANDAO participant.
In the future, Ethereum PoS will still use the RANDAO process, but instead of relying on the RANDAO output, the RANDAO output will be the input to the VDF.
No participant will know the final result until long after their ability to affect it.
When designing our VDF, the most important consideration is to keep AMAX as small as possible... but keeping AMAX small is a challenge.
Fortunately, Ethereum has a plan: We'll just make a generic, good-faith actor very, very good.
The Ethereum foundation is currently developing an Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) for these VDFs. These will be actual pieces of hardware that are dedicated to one thing only: solving this VDF.
Once ready, they will be distributed as widely as possible.
It will always be possible to develop a better ASIC, but it will be very challenging to design on significantly faster than these - current estimates place AMAX at a very conservative 10.
Therefore, an attacker MIGHT be able to solve this VDF AT MOST 10 times faster.
So let's return to the 1-bit bias. The problem is that the last participant can see the results while there is still time to change his contribution.
By adding the VDF after RANDAO, we guarantee that the result will not be ready until after the RANDAO epoch is over.
Here's what the process will look like.
First, a RANDAO value will be generated over a RANDAO epoch via the normal process. Then, the value will be fed into these VDF ASICs. Finally, the result will be injected back on-chain, where it will seed the next round.
As this process extends beyond one epoch, Ethereum will required a staggered schedule of RANDAO/VDF processes to ensure that each epoch is getting a fresh input.
Ethereum will experience a constant stream of random input, epoch by epoch.
And that, dear reader, are VDFs and how they will be used to bring credible randomness into Ethereum.
But don't think that VDFs are a one trick pony; the more we learn about VDFs, the more ways they seem relevant.
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